Eurofirany - Logo
Opening hours
  1. Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  2. niedziela handlowa 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Galeria SFERA II, First Floor
Phone: 33 484 21 03, 515 161 080

Eurofirany has been a familiar brand name in Poland and also  abroad for many years now. Since 1991 the company has been Poland’s biggest importer of curtains. Eurofirany combines a passion for interior decoration with the finest quality products and  proven expertise in the services it offers.
On sale in Eurofirany stores you’ll find:
• net curtains,
• curtains,
• assorted bedspreads,
• bed linens,
• sets of towels,
• decorative and artistic ceramics,
• flower arrangements,
• table linens and mats,
• Christmas decorations,
• and accessories to suit every interior.
Eurofirany also provide comprehensive services in the following areas:
• individual project design with consultation in the customer’s home,
• sewing of decorative items to suit a particular interior,
• installation of curtain poles and blinds,
• curtain-fitting in the customer’s home.
Further information is available in store or online at