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Opening hours
  1. Monday - niedziela niehandlowa 9:00 a.m. - 12:50 a.m.
Location: Galeria SFERA I, Second Floor
Phone: 33 498 70 15, 33 498 70 17
Email: bielsko@helios.pl


Helios cinema as the first multiplex cinema in Podbeskidzie is very popular in the region. Our film screenings and themed marathons gained loyal fans. In addition to new commercial films, one can watch the most interesting films of ambitious auteur cinema in the Film Club. Moreover, we organise gala film premieres and events, as well as meetings with film-makers.



Besides standard film screenings we offer:


  • Special pre-screenings (with authors’ participation),
  • Movie nights,
  • Birthdays in the cinema,
  • Games and activities for children,
  • Competitions,
  • Screenings for school and business groups.


We also invite you to Helios Cafe where you can enjoy your daily cup of coffee in a very welcoming atmosphere, relax, meet with your friends while waiting for the screening.


The unique atmosphere and professional service make every visit to our cafe unforgettable.

In addition to aromatic and excellent coffee you can find something tasty to eat.


In Helios Café  menu you can find:

  • a wide range of fresh cakes,
  • cold drinks (water, juices),
  • freshly squeezed juices,
  • strawberry smoothies,
  • sweet snacks (Lion and KITKAT bars and Princessa wafers),
  • ice creams and sundaes,
  • different flavours of muffins.